Wednesday 6 May 2009

Olympic Cindy - WoD - 6/5/09

Ballistic warmup
Bergener Warmup up

3 rounds of "Cindy" - 5 pullups, 10 pressups, 15 squats
5 x Clean and Jerk 135lb

x 4

scale to suit

recent pics of playing on the rings and outdoor Kettle Bell swinging, after working all day sitting in an office or whatever you do, why go to a "Gym" and sit on an exercise bike watching the news, tell me how that is going to benefit you..

1 comment:

Biffer said...

Dear ALL !! I'm riding a chuffing bike fae Los Angeles to San Diego and could do with some help to raise money for Charity. I'm doing this on behalf of the British Lung Foundation so if you've got any spare cash that your willing to part with please visit the below website.... have a laugh at me at my best during a round of crossfit and pledge what you can !!!! Big Love ..... G