Monday 6 April 2009

Return from the Qualifiers - 6/4/09

Raymond and myself were across in Northern Ireland at CrossFit NI with Johnny and Helzy who hosted the first ever european qualifiers, Kempie from CrossFit North East England, was the Co-ordinator, and we helped with the judging, the events on Sat were

400m run
32kg K.B swing(ears to be seen at top of swing)
12 Chest to bar pullups

x 3

heat 2 was


Clean and Jerk(Overhead any how) 60kg

Day 2

Final heat

250m row
10 burpees hand to hit 8ft target
10 ring dips

AMRAP 20 mins

1 comment:

kempie said...

Thanks so much for your help guys!!

Cheers, kempie